Increase Body Immunity During Pandemic Covid-19 With Infused Water
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Banjarmasin is one of the areas at high risk for spread of Covid-19. So that the necessary efforts to reduce the spread of corona virus. In addition to implementing health protocol, it is important for us to improve the body's immune during the pandemic. One way to improve the immunity is infused water consumption. This study aims to increase knowledge about the benefits and how to make infused water to increase body immunity during a pandemic. Implementation of the activities carried out by making a poster, create a video tutorial of making infused water, and upload on social media. Social media as a means of providing information is done in order to minimize exposure to the virus given the level of deployment covid-19 continues to increase. Giving information about the benefits and how to make infused water can improve immunity in the pandemic through social media is very helpful and easier to understand, as well as the society it easier to access information through social media.
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