making herbal drinks and smoothies to boost immunity during a pandemic

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mia permata sari
irfan zamzani


the government determined that Indonesia was in a condition disaster emergency. The forerunner of the covid outbreak in Indonesia began in early March 2020, the first case of corona in Indonesia, with two Indonesian citizens detected as having contracted the covid-19 virus. The spread of the virus is so fast, causing the number of Covid patients to increase every day and spread to all regions in Indonesia. As of June 22, 2020, Indonesia is the highest country in Southeast Asia in 49009 positive cases of Covid. Efforts to increase immunity are taking vitamins in the form of drugs, consuming fruits that contain lots of vitamins. Vitamins are also for the body, one of which is that there are many vitamins citrus fruits containing lots of vitamin C so increase endurance.In addition to consuming fruits, herbal drinks/herbs are also one of the means that help increase immunity/immunity. Herbal drinks are drinks that come from natural ingredients that are beneficial for the body. One of the effective drinks to increase endurance is the turmeric galangal herb. The process of making galangal turmeric herbs and orange smoothies is done by means of video tutorials where the making is done simply at home and then spread through social media.

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How to Cite
sari, mia permata, & zamzani , irfan . (2022). making herbal drinks and smoothies to boost immunity during a pandemic. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(2), 432–436. Retrieved from


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