Checking blood sugar, uric acid cholesterol and blood pressure levels

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Achmad Aprian Noor


 Health problems are problems that are very much felt by the community as well as various environmental problems that are natural or man-made. The arrival of disease is something that cannot be avoided, although sometimes it can be prevented. The concept of health and illness is not always absolute, there are external factors that influence the presence of illness. So it is very important to cultivate the right understanding to the community regarding the concept of health and illness, because with the right concept, the community can solve their health problems. Community service is a service that is carried out to the surrounding community through various activities directly in the midst of the community. In the North Landasan Ulin Village, there is still very little related to direct community service regarding health checks and providing drug information to the community. Therefore, this related community service is carried out with the aim of increasing public knowledge regarding diseases that occur in the vicinity and also increasing public awareness of the importance of healthy living. This activity is carried out by direct service by measuring blood sugar, cholesterol, uric acid and hypertension levels. As well as providing information related to drugs. This activity was well received by the local community. Also this activity can be useful and increase knowledge for public health.

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How to Cite
Aprian Noor, A., & Hendera. (2022). Checking blood sugar, uric acid cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(2), 583–587. Retrieved from


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