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Since the emergence of the covid 19 virus outbreak that attacks the human immune system, there have been problems faced by the community, such as the high cost and difficulty of obtaining multivitamins and a low level of the economy. Observing these problems, it is necessary to conduct education on making ginger drinks to increase body immunity. This community service activity aims to provide information about the types of herbal ingredients and their benefits and conduct training on making ginger drinks. After this service activity is completed, it is hoped that the community will know the benefits of ginger and be able to process these ingredients into herbal drinks. There are five stages carried out in this service activity, that is: observing and obtaining permits for the implementation of community service activities to the village head, making video tutorials on herbal drinks, sharing information with leaflets that are explained directly, evaluating the service activities that have been carried out and giving the drinks. From the results of the evaluation of the service activities that have been carried out, it can be seen that public knowledge about the types, benefits and ways of making herbal-based drinks is increasing
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