Education On Making Natural Hand Sanitizer With Betel Leaf and Lime Extract To Prevent The Spread Of Covid-19 In Karang Bunga Village
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Karang Bunga Village is a village located in the English village of Transmigration, Mandastana District, Barito Kuala Regency. Since the Covid-19 outbreak, many efforts have been made to prevent this outbreak, such as using hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer can be used as an antiseptic that functions to keep or protect us from germs and is another alternative to washing hands when we travel. There are many plants that can be used as natural ingredients for making hand sanitizers, one of which is betel leaf (Piper betle linn) and lime (Citrus aurantifolia S).Covid-19 in Karang Bunga Village. The method used in this activity is an outreach approach to the Karang Bunga Village community and the delivery of the stages of how to make natural hand sanitizers. The steps for implementing this service program are Preparation of tools and materials; Counseling and the stage of making hand sanitizers; The results of the implementation are There is an increase in public awareness of Karang Bunga Village, by following health protocols related to efforts to prevent the transmission of Covid-19. The community's response was very positive with the availability of hand sanitizers that were distributed free of charge and very useful for them.
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