Making Spinach Vegetable Nugget for Women Community in Kurau Village, Tanah Laut Regency
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Based on the situation that can be seen, it is known that most of the women community in Kurau Village are housewives as their profession, so they have enough time to spend on increasing creativity, looking for opportunities to innovate to make healthy food that is delicious. children can enjoy. The purpose of this community service program is to empower housewives by providing training in the manufacture of vegetable-flavored nuggets. The specific target of this activity is the women in Kurau Village, increasing the understanding and skills of the community. The method used in this activity is the preparation of tools and materials, the making of spinach vegetable nuggets tutorials that are shared on social media, counseling to provide understanding and distribution of spinach vegetable nuggets. The results achieved from this activity were being able to distribute spinach vegetable nuggets to the women of Kurau Village to increase knowledge and innovation about the variants of nuggets that can be added with vegetables. The conclusion drawn from this activity is that the community is helped by this activity because it can increase knowledge about the rich benefits of spinach and the community can innovate healthy and nutritious food
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