Sharing and Tutoring Tips for Learning English at Home to Improve Students’ English Skill in Online Learning

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Salsabila Salsabila
Irfan Zamzani


This community service aims to give information and tutors about tips for learning English at home and tips for being effective in online learning. The information was given by video and pamphlet that was uploaded on Youtube and Instragram to Muhammadiyah junior high school students and social media users, while tutoring was held offline in Mandiangin followed by three students of Muhammadiyah junior high school. This community service consists of three stages. The first stage was made the video and pamphlet, the second stage was shared the video and pamphlet, and the third stage was tutored to practice the tips for learning English at home. The tutoring was held by explanation, practice the tips, and discussion with the students. It was founded that after students followed the tutoring they understood the tips for learning English at home and tips for being effective in online learning and could practiced to improve their English skills.

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How to Cite
Salsabila, S., & Zamzani, I. . (2022). Sharing and Tutoring Tips for Learning English at Home to Improve Students’ English Skill in Online Learning. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(2), 726–731. Retrieved from


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