Seven Facts about the Myth of the Covid-19 Vaccine along with the Distribution of Masks, Hansanitizer and Vitamins as an Effort to Prevent the Coronavirus Disease
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One of the Indonesian government's efforts to fight Covid-19 is to hold vaccinations and implement health protocols for all Indonesian people. However, these efforts encountered obstacles with the emergence of hoax news in various media. Therefore, this proceeding was written with the aim of knowing the facts about the Covid-19 vaccine myth regarding 1) Vaccines are not safe because they were developed and tested in a short time; 2) No need to be vaccinated after being infected with Covid-19; 3) The Covid-19 vaccine has dangerous side effects, it can even cause death; 4) No need to wear a mask after receiving a Covid-19 vaccine injection; 5) Only need one dose of Covid-19 vaccine; 6) The Covid-19 vaccine will alter DNA; 7) Can cause Covid-19 infection, as well as support efforts to prevent Covid-19 through the use of masks, hand sanitizers and increasing the community's body defenses by consuming vitamins. The methods used in this activity are online and offline. The results of the questionnaire given to respondents can be seen that this information is very useful and the benefits that are most felt by respondents are increasing the ability to think, act and act on hoaxs/myths about the Covid-19 vaccine.
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