Knowing The Importance Of DAGUSIBU (Get, Use, Save, Dispose) Great And Right Drug
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Diverse health problems, especially related to drugs are still encountered in the community. Diverse problems related to drugs can be caused by people who do not understand about the use and handling of drugs properly. One way to manage drugs properly and correctly is to implement the DAGUSIBU (Get, Use, Save, Dispose) program. Based on the information obtained by the people of Karang Bunga Village, they have never received information about DAGUSIBU, so it is necessary to socialize about DAGUSIBU. With this activity, it is hoped that the community can share information about the correct use and handling of drugs to their family members. The method used in this activity is the introduction of the problem, the implementation of the socialization of DAGUSIBU by delivering information and attaching posters about DAGUSIBU. This can support the realization of government programs in improving health services for the community and increase understanding of drug management properly.
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