Education How To Use A Good And Corret Mask
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Consistent use of masks in a good and correct way is important to maximize efforts to stop the spread of Covid-19. I myself have done individual work, which is about Education on how to use masks properly and correctly during a pandemic. The education was carried out by means of posters and leaflets. This is done so that indirectly residents can be educated on how to use masks properly and correctly, posters and leaflets are also used to minimize crowds considering that during this pandemic we must apply social distancing rules. This program was implemented in Karang Bunga Village, Mandastana District, Barito Kuala Regency. This education is carried out by means of posters uploaded on social media and leaflets distributed to residents who are visiting the Sunday market. This program is carried out to create a corona virus-free environment, and so that the spread of the corona virus does not spread further.
Article Details
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