Counseling Activities For The Children Love Consumption Of Fruit and Vegetables During The Covid-19 Pandemic in Tinggiran Tengah Village

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Nursita Nursita
Akhmad Syakir


In this time of the covid-19 pandemic, it’s important to keep your immune system strong. There are many ways for that, oneway is to consumption of fruit and vegetables that have many benefits. Then, children are someone who is valuable and the future of the nation, whose health must be maintained during a pandemic like this. Threrefore, the implemention of counseling activities for the children love consumption of fruit and vegetables during the covid-19 pandemic. The result and conclusions are that children love consumption fruit and vegetables and they know their benefits.

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How to Cite
Nursita, N., & Syakir, A. . (2022). Counseling Activities For The Children Love Consumption Of Fruit and Vegetables During The Covid-19 Pandemic in Tinggiran Tengah Village. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(2), 189–193. Retrieved from


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