Education on How to Wash Hands Using Soap for Children in Barito Kuala District
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Hands are the part of our body that is most contaminated with dirt and germs. When holding something, and shaking hands, of course there are germs attached to the skin of our hands. Worm eggs, viruses, germs and parasites that contaminate hands, will stick to other people we shake hands with or even when we eat with unclean hands, swallow dirt and of course will interfere with digestion (Mona, 2020)
Washing hands with soap (CTPS) is one of the sanitary measures by cleaning hands and fingers using water and soap so that they are clean (Natsir, 2018). Washing hands with soap is the process of removing dirt and dust mechanically from the skin of both hands using water and soap, washing hands with soap is a simple, easy, and useful way to prevent various diseases that cause death, which can be prevented by washing hands that are true, such as diarrhea and ISPA which are often the cause of death in children. Likewise Hepatitis, Thypus and Avian Flu (Natsir, 2018)
Article Details
MMona, N. (2020). Konsep Isolasi Dalam Jaringan Sosial Untuk Meminimalisasi Efek Contagious (Kasus Penyebaran Virus Corona Di Indonesia). Jurnal Sosial Humaniora Terapan, 2(2), 117–125.
Natsir, M. F. (2018). Pengaruh penyuluhan CTPS terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan siswa SDN 169 bonto parang Kabupaten Jeneponto. Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan, 1(2), 1–9.