Psychoeducation program and how to control yourself well to children

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Irma Yulita
Herman Ariadi, M. Kep, Ns


Self-control needs to be instilled in children from an early age. Instilling self-control can make children learn to control themselves from an early age. The process of inculcating self-control in children can train children to control emotions, be able to help children learn to choose what is good and bad, and what should not be done. there are 2 (two) factors that can influence self-control, namely: The internal factor that contributes to self-control is age. The way parents enforce discipline, the way parents respond to their children's failures, communication styles, the way parents express anger (full of emotion or able to hold back) are the beginnings of children learning about self-control. These external factors include the environment. This service to children is carried out using an offline method. Consists of 3 stages, namely for the first stage starting from the observation stage, the second collecting children and the third implementing activities. This implementation was carried out at the Yayasan Anak Bangsa Mandiri Banua Banjarmasin and this activity was focused on children because in their growth and development period children did not understand how to control themselves and restrain their emotions, so education was needed and at the same time provided an overview of good behavior that should be done. since early stage. The purpose of this activity is to train children to be able to control self-control and be able to know the consequences if they do behavior that can harm others.

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How to Cite
Yulita, I., & Herman Ariadi, M. Kep, Ns. (2022). Psychoeducation program and how to control yourself well to children. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(2), 144–147. Retrieved from


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