Education for The Making of Infused Water to Improve The Body's Immunity During The Covid-19 Pandemic
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The Covid-19 pandemic forces us to always maintain our immune system because a good immune system will help reduce the damage of infection and can help reduce the severity of the illness experienced. Infused water is a fresh drink that can help increase endurance because it contains vitamin C and antioxidants. This activity aims to provide an understanding to the public about healthy drink infused water to help increase endurance which is easy to make at home. The activity was carried out in the Semangat Karya Village, Alalak District, Barito Kuala Regency. This activity is carried out door to door at residents' homes by bringing samples of infused water and one poster as supporting media. The results obtained from this activity are the understanding of the community about infused water, what materials are used, the benefits, and how to make it.
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