Education on the Importance of Increasing Immunity as a Form of Efforts to Prevent Covid-19 Infection
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During the Covid-19 pandemic, the immune system of a person's body must be very concerned because immunity is one of the main systems that play a role in fighting Covid-19 infection. The importance of this immunity is still not properly understood by the people in Semangat Karya Village. Therefore, this activity was carried out with the aim of providing an understanding to the local community about the importance of immunity during the Covid-19 pandemic and how to increase it. The implementation of this education uses the direct method by visiting several children and the people of the Spirit of Karya Village and the indirect method by distributing educational posters to Instagram and videos to YouTube. The provision of education with the direct method was carried out in a relaxed manner in the form of discussions and received a good response from the target. This activity succeeded in achieving the goal of increasing the understanding of children and the local community about the role of immunity during the Covid-19 pandemic and how to improve it. This was proven after there were repeated questions at the end of the discussion and the community was able to answer and develop the answers.
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