Training On Making Jamapis The Healthy Drink To Increase Immunity During The Covid-19 Pandemic
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COVID-19 is a disease caused by a virus called corona or SARS-CoV-2, was appear at the end of 2019 in Wuhan, China. After a few months, coronavirus spread throughout the world including Indonesia. Currently, COVID-19 is the number 1 health problem in the world. Various prepentive measure have been taken so that the number of cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia can decrease, one of them is by increasing body’s immunity. It is know that ginger, honey and lime have good immunomodulatory effects. This activity purpose to educated PKK Women of Tabing Rimbah village about the importance of increasing body’s immunity to avoid COVID-19 by using spices. The method of this activity is lectures, tutorials on making Jamapis halth drinks directly accompanied by interactive discussions. The resulf of this activity PKK women of Tabing Rimbah village know that they can be healthy by only using spices. The conclusion of this activity is that PKK women of this village can more understand how to use spices to maintain health and increase body’s immunity
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