Responded to the Covid-19 outbreak with gratitude
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The spread of the Corona or Covid virus.19 throughout the world has damaged the fabric of life and caused a variety of physical and psychological disorders. Many of our citizens are afraid of this virus and consequently do it very well with recommendations or regulations made by local and central government. Not a few of them are grumbling because they are immune to diseases that disregard the slightest government regulation. The method used in this research is the study of literature, namely the study of research objects in the form of literary works, both in the form of scientific journals, books, articles in mass media, or statistical data. The literature will be used to address the research problem raised by the authors who in this case responded to the Covid-19 outbreak with gratitude. The nature of the research conducted is descriptive analysis that provides education and understanding to the reader, as well as the type of data used in this study is secondary data
Article Details
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