Education about Washing Hands and Using Masks Correctly

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Gusliana Jurawati


Clean and Healthy Lifestyle is an effort regarding a healthy lifestyle through individuals, groups or the wider community. Washing hands should be a very good habit, because in addition to maintaining health and cleanliness, religion also teaches it. Masks should be worn in places where the virus is widespread and people find it difficult to practice physical distancing. The method used is the delivery of material face to face by means of lectures for 30 minutes and questions and answers. Based on the results of direct observations during the evaluation of the implementation of education on washing hands and using masks, participants can repeat how to wash hands and use masks correctly. There is an increase in knowledge about clean and healthy living behavior, about washing hands and using the correct mask after being given health materials.

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How to Cite
Jurawati, G. (2022). Education about Washing Hands and Using Masks Correctly. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(2), 264–270. Retrieved from


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