Public Speaking Training In SMAN 1 Mandastana

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Herda Ariyani


Public Speaking is one of softskill that everyone can’t mastered it. Commonly everyone feel hesitate and fear to show up in public especially speak up in front of society. The reason we make the Public Speaking Training Program In SMA N 1 Mandastana in order to preparing the students to get a job or to extend the study in University. The important thing tha we put on this program how the students can confidence and grew the state while speaking in front of public. This program has been held face to face in SMAN 1 Mandastana by presentation method and discussion method. Beside of that this program can improve students’ ability to get their dream after graduate in senior high school.



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How to Cite
Alpianur, & Ariyani, H. (2022). Public Speaking Training In SMAN 1 Mandastana. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(2), 612–619. Retrieved from


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