Learning Mathematics Uses Teaching Aids as An Effort to Increase Students' Understanding of The Pythagoras Theorem
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Learning mathematics is one of the subjects that plays a very important role in education. In mathematics, teaching aids are learning media that can help students understand concepts in learning, one of which is the pythagorean theorem. Generally, not too many junior high school students understand the pythagorean theorem, one of which is at smp negeri 1 alalak. Therefore, this community service activity aims to increase students' understanding, especially in class viii of the pythagorean theorem. The method uses in this activity is offline by means of socialization and demonstration in the classroom using props. In addition, the online method is uses to demonstrate the use of props in the pythagorean theorem. The results obtaines from the activity were an increase in students' understanding of the pythagorean theorem which was initially only 46% to 81%. Thus, it can be seen that the use of teaching aids in learning mathematics can increase students' understanding of mathematics subjects by 35%
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