The Dangers Of Drug Abuse For Mental Health

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Maydela Putri
Bardiati Ulfah


Psychoeducation entitled "The Dangers of Drug Abuse for Mental Health". Aims to increase knowledge and awareness of adolescents about the dangers of drugs for mental health, as well as directing adolescents to increase awareness of the dangers arising from drug abuse. The target achieved is to increase understanding and provide information related to the dangers of drug abuse for mental health and prevention efforts in adolescents. The method of implementing this activity is in the form of placing posters in several strategic places and conducting psychoeducation followed by discussions and questions and answers. The results of psychoeducation indicate that adolescents have an increased understanding compared to before being given psychoeducation about the dangers of drugs and their adverse effects on mental health, thereby increasing adolescent awareness of the impacts that can be caused.

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How to Cite
Putri, M., & Ulfah, B. (2022). The Dangers Of Drug Abuse For Mental Health. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 2(1), 199–204. Retrieved from


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