Mapping the Distribution of Facilities as Physical Village Assets to Support Lok Rawa Village Development
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This research aimes to provide geospatial information about facilities in Lok Rawa Village, Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan Province. One of the information systems that can be used for this purpose is the Geographic Information System (GIS). This community service begins with a field survey and validation to the village to find out the data on the facilities in Lok Rawa Village as a supporter of the village development. Utilization of GIS using ArcGIS software to generate data regarding the distribution of facilities in Lok Rawa Village. From the results of this mapping, it can be seen that the area around the Lok Rawa Village Office has several supporting facilities for other community activities and shows that the area is the center of the village or the center of community activities in Lok Rawa Village.
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