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Yoanita Aulia Putri
Herda Ariyani


Currently, technology is developing very rapidly. Everything can be done easily, including in terms of word processing. However, public understanding in the field of word processing technology is still minimal, especially in Lok Rawa Village. This Village apparatus has the task of making documents and data archives concerning the interests of the village. However, there are still many obstacles experienced by village officials in carrying out these tasks, one of which is the use of the Microsoft Word application. The solution that can be given is to conduct training on the use of microsoft word to local village officials, and also provide a collection of formulas on how to quickly use microsoft word which is expected to be useful for apparatus in Lok Rawa Village. and also one of the efforts to improve human resources.

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How to Cite
Putri, Y. A., & Ariyani, H. (2022). MICROSOFT WORD TRAINING IN LOK RAWA VILLAGE. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 2(1), 162–164. Retrieved from


Pemerintah Desa Lok Rawa. Profil Desa Lok Rawa. (2021). Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia.

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