Education about Maintaining Health Protocols for the Village of Puntik Luar

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Muhammad Amien
Mira Mira


Covid-19 is a virus that can cause disease in the respiratory system of human and animals. Until now this virus is still there and its spread is so very fast. Puntik Luar village is one of the villages in the Mandastana sub-district, Barito Kuala regency. This village consists of 10 RT dan 3 RW, and this village is bordered by several other villages such as Bangkit Baru village. There are still many people here who don’t realize the importance of maintaining health protocols, even though people are only in the village, people should be aware of the virus that threatens their health, therefore the author provides the right solution for the is to always maintain health protocols to avoid the corona virus or covid-19 in the village of Puntik Luar.

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How to Cite
Amien, M., & Mira, M. (2022). Education about Maintaining Health Protocols for the Village of Puntik Luar. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 2(1), 232–234. Retrieved from


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