Using Digital Media Platform as Medium for Bouquets Sale

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Aditya Pramana Nugraha Abidin
Muhammad Anwari


Digital marketing is the latest trend in promoting a product or service provided by a business. The existence of digital media, is making easy for the public to find out which businesses are available on that area. People also can easly access the available products by using smartphone. Also with digital marketing, the economy of a region can be improved. The problem faced by Berangas village is the lack of knowledge about the importance of digital marketing. So, in this community service, it can help Berangas people to innovate marketing products in digital media through making bouquets made from products sold by these businesses. By making the existing product into a bouquet, the value of the new product will become more value in the economy. Berangas villages also can improve business quality through digital marketing. This program was well received by housewives who participated in making bouquet training. But also, there are some hosewives who still choose to sell as they should.

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How to Cite
Abidin, A. P. N., & Anwari, M. (2022). Using Digital Media Platform as Medium for Bouquets Sale. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 2(1), 354–357. Retrieved from


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