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Amru Naufal Muhtadi
Jamiatul Hamidah


Educational activities Education of Color Trash Can in Society through posters on Instagram. Informing the public that it is important to keep the environment clean. Keep clean by throwing trash in its place.  Garbage problem is the one of important thing in our life recently. In this modern era, garbage comes from industrial and society activities. The life cycle of garbage could to be used for another products such as biodegradable or ecofriendly fuel, fertilizer, alternative technology, even for an art and craft’s products. There are lot of ways to process the garbage to be a precious products to all of human necessity. By means of the environment side, science and design have their contribution on it to solve and reduce the foul impact which comes from garbage problem. In this paper, we will see many kind of garbage bin which has an uniqueness, according to material, technology, function, colour or its shape as a design phenomenon itself.  Garbage is something that cannot be avoided in everyday life. Everyone will definitely produce trash. Therefore, waste is the main source of problems that have a direct impact on the environment. In addition, waste management in Indonesia is arguably less good. Most of the waste is just thrown away, without separating according to the category. This also adds to the complexity of the waste problem.

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How to Cite
Muhtadi, A. N., & Hamidah, J. . (2021). EDUCATION OF COLOR TRASH CAN IN SOCIETY THROUGH POSTERS ON INSTAGRAM. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(1), 864–869. Retrieved from


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