Provision Of Information System In The Form Of RT Boundary Signs In Bangkit Baru Village

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Ahmad Jarmani
Soraya Djamilah


Bangkit Baru Village is a village located in the administrative area of the Mandastana. Bangkit Baru Village is a village that is dominated by swamps. Overall, Bangkit Baru Village is a lowland area. Based on the results of field observations carried out in Bangkit Baru Village in 2022, the results of field observations are aimed at finding out information on the situation of the village and the people in the village. Field observations were carried out by seeking information with the village head and conducting a mobile survey in the Bangkit Baru Village. RT boundary signs provide information in the form of house instructions or RT boundaries that can help local communities and outsiders who want to visit a house. The existence of KKN (Real Work Lectures) activities from the University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, students from the Urban and Regional Planning Engineering Study Program took the initiative to make the RT boundary signs to help provide information for the Bangkit Baru village. The research method used was by field perceptions and interviews with the head of the town. town or neighborhood community, Bangkit Baru Town, Mandastana Area, Barito Kuala Rule. Meanwhile, for the manufacture of RT boundary signs, wooden materials were used. The results of the field observations revealed that Bangkit Baru village did not have RT boundary signs, which if not, would make it difficult for the local community and outsiders. This Real Work), Students from the Urban and Regional Planning Study Program, University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin have carried out Information Provision activities with RT Boundary Signs in Bangkit Baru Village : 1. Providing supporting information in the form of boundary signs RT for Bangkit Baru Village 2. Provide information to the local community or outsiders to make it easier for anyone who wants to find an address.

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How to Cite
Jarmani, A., & Djamilah, S. (2022). Provision Of Information System In The Form Of RT Boundary Signs In Bangkit Baru Village. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 2(1), 223–225. Retrieved from


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