Sosialization And Distribution Of Leaflets About OHS (Occupational Health and Safety)
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OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) is an critical thing which can constribute to worker productivity. Risk of frequent accidents and special illnesses due to improper functioning of the OHS program. This can effect employee productivity. Accidents are generalIy caused by two factors, namely people and the environment. Human factors are not intentionally injured, water or workers are not injured idenfinitely, and workers such as water or unudentified worker are unknwn. At the same time, environmental factors are not safe conditions fr constraction work, including other equipment used.
The reason of enforcing OHS is essentially to located and reveal weaknesses that permit injuries to arise. This characteristic can be completed in two approaches, meanly recealing the motive and impact of an concidence and inspecting whether or not careful control is achieved or no longer.
From vilage profil, the livehoods of the residents Desa Tatah Mesjid are construction workers where OHS is very important for the residents.
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