Psychoeducation to Tanipah Village Communities To Raise Awareness of the Importance of Mental Health through Religion, Education, Health and Training

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Hellda Syahdariantie
Irfan Zamzani


Psychology is not far from mental health. This is something that is still common to the public, especially in Tanipah Village, when they hear about Psychology and Mental Health they only know about being crazy, for that it is important to provide an understanding of Psychology which discusses Mental Health in the community, especially in the fields of religion, education, Health and training by providing psychoeducation so that the people of  Tanipah Village understand and understand the importance of Mental Health for themselves. In addition, it is hoped that the people of Tanipah Village will no longer take lightly about Mental Health after they receive psychoeducation.

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How to Cite
Syahdariantie, H., & Zamzani, I. (2022). Psychoeducation to Tanipah Village Communities To Raise Awareness of the Importance of Mental Health through Religion, Education, Health and Training. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 2(1), 190–194. Retrieved from


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