Introduction and Training Of Microsoft Word At SDN Karang Indah

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Yulia Rahmi
Pratiwi Puji Lestari


Microsoft word is one of the software systems used to process data and has an interface that is understood by its users. The Microsoft Word application is an application that is also often used for teaching and learning activities. The application is used to deliver materials. At this time, not all of SDN Karang Indah students mastered existing applications, namely Microsoft Word. The absence of special and extracurricular subjects on information and communication technology (TIK) causes students to rarely use laptops. Based on the problems faced by SDN Karang Indah, this service activity is focused on introducing Microsoft Word applications to help students in the learning process. Activities are carried out using lecture, question and answer methods, and direct practice. High effectiveness is based on the success of the training students being able to solve any given questions.

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How to Cite
Rahmi, Y., & Lestari, P. P. (2022). Introduction and Training Of Microsoft Word At SDN Karang Indah. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 2(1), 167–170. Retrieved from


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