Early Warning Of Flood Disasters By Making Flood Alert Signs In The Village Of Sungai Ramania

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muhammad ryani
Nor Afni Oktavia


This flood can be predicted early warning by way of one of them making a flood alert sign. The flood alert sign is the result of analysis of information obtained from the observations of TMA (High Water Level) in the river. The higher the TMA, the higher the alert status. The function of the flood alert sign to provide water level status information so that residents are alert and prepare evacuations. the implementation process makes flood alert signs. This activity was the first to make observations on the river, the observation aimed at observing TMA on the river. After making a flood alert sign, then a flood alert sign is plugged in at the designated place, there are 2 places, namely in front of the Sungai Ramania Village Office and a small river for residents' plantations, flood alert activities are carried out starting from observation to plugging in. The flood alert sign is information on the status of the river's water level, so that residents will quickly respond to the upcoming flood. The activities of making flood alert and marking processes were assisted by friends from KKN Group 13. The making of Flood Alert Signs aims to provide early warning for flood disasters for residents in Sungai Ramania Village by making flood alert signs, 2 flood alert signs are made. The first place was put a flood alert sign in front of the Ramania Village office and the second was on a small river near the plantation.

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How to Cite
ryani, muhammad, & Oktavia, N. A. (2022). Early Warning Of Flood Disasters By Making Flood Alert Signs In The Village Of Sungai Ramania . Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 2(1), 343–345. Retrieved from https://proceeding.mbunivpress.or.id/index.php/bamara/article/view/776


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