The Role of Optimism in Maintaining Mental Health of Society During The Pandemic Covid-19
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Optimism is a very important behavior to have in life, especially during the pandemic Corona Virus disease (Covid-19). Positive attitudes and behavior significantly contribute to our mental health quality. The more negative our view of the current situation, the worse health status may impact on our life. Being optimistic may help us gain high motivation of life as well as build self confidence to face the uncertain situation. Taking into account the importance of being an optimist, a psyhological counseling was given to people of Tatah Mesjid village in order for them to be more resilient and optimistic to live the life during the Pandemic.The porgram was succesfully held and the participants showed antusiasm in joing the activities. It is expected that mental health status of people, particularly those who live in Tatah Mesjid Village, can get improved after the program.
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