Map Making, a Strategy to Present the Potential Area of Beringin Village

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Beringin Village is one of the villages in Alalak District, located in the eastern part of the capital city of Banjarmasin, Barito Kuala Regency. Beringin Village has a lot of potential both in terms of agriculture, plantations and tourist attractions. Thereforehat information is very much needed in the form of an administrative map and facilities that can be accessed by residents and tourists alike, however, the village information map at the Beringin Village hall office is just a simple map that only shows the boundaries of the area. This village needs an administrative map that shows information about built environments Mapping these important locations will make it easier for the village government to plan and implement development. Therefore, a work program was created to make information map to make it easier for office officials and residents to view map in their villages. The method used in this program was by interviewing sources and direct observation in the field. The results achieved from this activity were the formation of an understanding of village officials and the community regarding the preparation of map and the map of administration and facilities of Beringin Village.

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How to Cite
HENDRAWAN, M. Y., & PARAMITHA, D. S. (2021). Map Making, a Strategy to Present the Potential Area of Beringin Village. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(1), 499–503. Retrieved from


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