Education on Proper and Correct Storage of Medicines at Home and Distribution of Medicine Boxes in Desa Mudalang
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Medicine is a substance or mixture of materials, including biological products that can be used to influence or analyze the physiological system or pathological conditions in the framework of determining the diagnosis, prevention, cure, recovery, and improvement of health. Drug storage is an activity to store drugs or the activity of regulating a drug in order to avoid physical or chemical damage with the aim of ensuring quality. Drug storage must consider various things, namely the form and type of preparation whether it is easy to burn or not, and stability. This proper and correct storage method for drugs is expected so that people can store medicines properly considering the importance of drug storage where drug storage is very influential on the quality of drugs so that it greatly affects the efficacy of a drug. The method used is through 3 stages, namely the planning stage, the implementation stage, and the evaluation. The planning stage was making leaflets and purchasing medicine boxes. Then, at the implementation stage was providing education to Mudalang villagers by visiting houses and providing medicine boxes. In this activity, not all residents get education due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which was not allowed to gather large numbers of people in one place and some residents also refused to come because they thought we were health workers who wanted to give vaccines, but residents who received an education were very enthusiastic given the educational material provided and gave a good response. The last stage is evaluation when the villagers said that gain lots of knowledge about how to store medicine in the proper and correct ways.
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