Provide assistance to the learning process in an effort to increase student interest in learning
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Learning is a process or effort made by each individual to obtain a change in behavior in the form of knowledge skills and positive attitudes and values as an experience to get a number of impressions from the material that has been studied. This activity can be done anywhere both in school and in the community. Learning can also be interpreted as an activity to practice. Learning outcomes are changes in behavior caused by experience. Changes in behavior from not being able to do something to being able to do something called learning. Good learners are good learners, good learning is learning that results in an increase in knowledge, attitudes and / or skills. Studying at home is very good for increasing student interest in learning. With this work program, I assist students in the learning process so that they can use the available time as best as possible for learning. Learning can be done by reading, writing or drawing depending on the students' interests or their hobbies. In the current pandemic, students are more active in their learning process at home. So it is highly recommended for parents to also assist them in learning, because the role of parents is to educate so that they become individuals with noble character
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Depdiknas .2003. Undang-undang RI No.20 tahun 2003. Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional.
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