Education on Hand Washing with Soap for Children in the Covid-19 Era in the Tandipah River Village
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Covid-19 has taken the world by storm and has become a pandemic. This virus was first reported in Wuhan, China in December 2019. This virus can be transmitted if we come into direct contact with an infected person or with the fluids they expel when coughing and sneezing. The virus can be transferred to our body, if we accidentally touch the object and then touch the face with contaminated hands. With the spread of Covid-19 cases increasingly widespread, we must all work together to prevent further spread. The implementation of counseling on good and correct hand washing with soap is very necessary where children still do not understand and know information, especially children in Sungai Tandipah village. methods of providing materials and correct hand washing practices and using leaflets and posters as supporting media in conducting counseling. The results of this activity can be seen from the children who are able to return to practicing hand washing with soap properly and correctly and understand explanations and increase knowledge. The conclusion is to educate children from an early age about good and correct hand washing with soap in the Covid-19 era as a new habit in River Tandipah Village.
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