Education Vaccine Covid-19
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The government's efforts to provide vaccines to the public as a form of preventing Covid-19 are still heard by the public, there are many pros and cons, according to the survey, many people are still afraid of the effectiveness and efficacy of vaccines. Another factor is because there are many news circulating that are not in accordance with the facts, so there are still many who do not know about vaccines. To clarify this, education about the importance of the Covid-19 vaccine should be given. This was also achieved by distributing brochures and banners to the public with the aim of preventing COVID-19. Several steps have been taken in this activity, namely 1. Direct socialization to residents of Pantai Hambawang Village, 2. Providing education about the COVID-19 vaccine, 3. Distribution of brochures and banners to residents of Pantai Hambawang Village, 4. Final evaluation of activities. The result of this activity is that the public can clearly understand vaccines, how vaccination works, side effects of vaccines, types of vaccines and herd immunity. Therefore, it is concluded that it is important to continue strengthening public education to increase public acceptance of the Covid-19 vaccine and public awareness of the Covid-19 vaccination program.
Article Details
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