6 steps of hand washing 6 steps to wash your hands properly
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6 steps to wash hands properly and correctly are very necessary during the current pandemic, to prevent the transmission of covid 19 can start from small things, namely washing hands according to WHO recommendations with 6 steps because washing hands properly using soap or hand sanitizer will maintain hand hygiene is one of the efforts to avoid various diseases, because about 98 percent of the spread of germs in the body comes from our own hands. The method used in this study was to distribute questionnaires before carrying out the practice of washing hands, after which a 7-day pause was given and then another questionnaire was given afterwards. The results obtained from 18 after doing education that 90% have implemented in the good category. The conclusions and suggestions in this study are that the community already understands the importance and how to wash hands with 6 steps after socialization, it is hoped that the community will always comply with health protocols starting from small things by washing hands to avoid the virus during the current pandemic.
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