Learning About Pronunciation Of The Alphabet Correctly In Indonesian
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This proceedings or article is entitled "Learning about Pronunciation of the Correct Alphabet in Indonesian". It can be formulated that the problem is how to pronounce the alphabet correctly in Indonesian. After knowing the formulation of the problem, it was found that the aim was to find out the letters that were difficult and incorrectly pronounced (in this case, it was done to grade 2 students at SDN Tatah Mesjid 1) and to teach the correct pronunciation of the letters. This study uses a mixture of methods between demonstration and question and answer learning methods. This learning process is carried out by the author asking the students to pronounce the alphabet according to their habits. Then it is known that there are some letters that are wrong and the pronunciation is wrong. Then the writer practices the words correctly and writes the letters on the blackboard. From the results, it was found that several letters were pronounced incorrectly and could not distinguish their pronunciation, such as the letters Q, F, P, V, and others.
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