Using Teaching Aids In Building Materials To Increase The Enthusiasm For Learning Mathematics

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Selfiana Purnama Sari
Irfan Zamzani


Mathematics is one of the subjects in every school level. Mathematics is also considered one of the difficult subjects to understand or understand. In learning mathematics, motivation is needed to make a fun learning process, one of which is that we can use teaching aids in the teaching process or other media that are enthusiastic to help when learning is carried out, especially in mathematics. Teaching aids are real objects and imitation objects used in the teaching and learning process which are the basis for the growth of abstract thinking concepts for students. Community service activities aim to provide motivation to learn mathematics with the help of teaching aids. This activity is carried out by going directly to the teaching field for grade 5. It is carried out by using teaching aids to support the teaching and learning process that is fun and can make the teaching and learning process not only monotonous using the lecture method. the results of this community service activity made the students enthusiastic about participating in mathematics learning and interested in learning mathematics by using the props that had been prepared for each meeting

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How to Cite
Sari, S. P., & Zamzani, I. (2022). Using Teaching Aids In Building Materials To Increase The Enthusiasm For Learning Mathematics. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 2(1), 322–325. Retrieved from


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