Education "Ask 5 O" To Increase Knowledge Of Community Self-Medication In The Village Of Telaga Bidadari, Kandangan, Hulu Sungai Selatan
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The easier it is for people to get drugs, it also increases their self-medicating practice. Current technological developments make it easier for people to obtain drugs through an online system. In the implementation of self-medication it can be a source of medication errors due to the limited knowledge of the community. Self-medication that is carried out inappropriately and not accompanied by adequate information, can cause treatment goals not to be achieved. The "ask 5 o" Healts Promotion Program aims to increase public knowledge and understanding of correct and rational drug use. This research is a type of pre-experimental research one-group pretest-posttest. The design of this study was to provide a pre-test before the intervention was carried out, then the respondents were given treatment in the form of "ask 5O" education and measured again after the intervention was carried out by post-test.
The sampling technique was chosen randomly. This research was conducted on 11 February 2021.
The conclusion from the education "ask 5 O" to respondents was able to increase knowledge of self-medication, where before the intervention was carried out the percentage was 10%, while after the intervention the percentage increased by 54%. with the educational activity people's knowledge has increased.
Article Details
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