The Importance of Infused Water Intake During Pandemic Period to Maintain Body Immunity
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Covid-19, which is currently endemic throughout the world, has made people worried, so they have made various efforts to protect themselves, their families and the environment so they do not become infected with Covid-19. Some of the efforts made by the community to avoid being infected by Covid-19 include maintaining distance, not crowding, maintaining endurance, maintaining cleanliness and disinfecting homes, the environment and public places. The infused lemon water does not believe it contains vitamin C which is beneficial for the body. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and plays a role in warding off various diseases. The method I use here is the socialization method (direct lecture) which targets children. The results obtained were that the children received education about the knowledge of infused water. The conclusion is that water infusion can increase endurance in children, so that disease is not easy to attack.
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