Education on Six Steps of Hand Washing Accroding to WHO Standars as an Effort to Prevent COVID-19
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COVID-19 is a new type of virus that can be transmitted to humans. The spread of the COVID-19 virus can be through small droplets from the mouth or nose of a COVID-19 sufferer when they sneeze or cough to spread COVID-19 either directly or through objects around the droplet. One way to prevent the spread of the Corona Virus is to wash hands properly. The method used in this community service was to gather several children. Social distancing was adopted to make the children safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. The children did not have the knowledge about how to wash their hands properly during the COVID-19 pandemic. The children can receive and understand well the information from the information provided. Hopefully, the information that given to the children could be brought to their parents at home and also to the community in general, especially about how to wash hands properly.
Article Details
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