Prevention Of The Spread Of Covid-19 ( Wash Your Hand Properly As An Effort To Prevent The Corona Virus)

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Sri Wahyuni
aziza Fitriah


One indicator of Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS) is Hand Washing with Soap (CTPS), which is a method of washing hands with soap to prevent various diseases. CTPS is done to break the chain of disease transmission. The community considers CTPS not important, they wash their hands with soap when their hands smell, are greasy and dirty. The purpose of this research is an attempt to provide a learning experience or create a learning experience conditions for individuals, groups and communities, by opening lines of communication, providing information and education to improve knowledge, attitudes and behavior, thereby helping the community recognize and overcome problems, in order to apply healthy ways of living in order to maintain and improve health. This work program is carried out with education and hand washing practices at sandalwood food stalls. Before the delivery of the material, there were almost 80% who did not know how to wash hands according to the protocol, so that after counseling on how to wash hands according to standards and practices there was a significant increase of 60%  already know and can practice hand washing techniques according to standards and with the correct rules.  With the implementation of educational activities and the practice of washing hands with soap, everyone is motivated to wash their hands with soap before and after activities to raise awareness as a result of learning that allows a person or family to help themselves in the health sector and play an active role in creating health.  community to prevent the spread of disease, especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic.

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How to Cite
Wahyuni, S., & Fitriah, aziza. (2022). Prevention Of The Spread Of Covid-19 ( Wash Your Hand Properly As An Effort To Prevent The Corona Virus). Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(2), 77–80. Retrieved from


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