The Importance Of How To Wash Hands Properly and Correctly and Distribution Of Stickers On How To Wash Hands
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The first positive case of Corona (Covid-19) in Indonesia occurred in early March 2020. President Joko Widodo provided information that there were two Indonesian citizens who had contracted this virus. The increase in the spread and number of infections is anticipated by urging the public to implement a new healthy lifestyle according to health protocols during the Corona virus pandemic, one of which is by maintaining cleanliness by washing hands with soap. Hand washing cannot be done haphazardly by the community. Washing hands properly within 20 seconds or more using running water and liquid soap is an effective method that is recommended and really needs to be implemented by the community. The purpose of this community service activity is to make people aware of the importance of how to wash hands properly and correctly using soap can prevent and reduce the spread of Covid-19. The target of the activity is RT residents. 2 East Small Antas Village. The activities carried out are providing education with lecture, practice and question and answer methods. After being given counseling, residents became more aware of the importance of washing hands properly and correctly in daily activities outside and inside the house so that it became a habit for residents to maintain cleanliness by washing hands during the Covid-19 pandemic. So that there is an increase in knowledge after counseling.
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