Socialization Five Steps Wash Hands To Prevent Coronavirus In 8-Year-Old Children
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In this activity, handwashing education will be carried out using soap to children in the form of counseling in the room and continued with simulations in the field with guidance on the 5 steps of handwashing. The focus of CTPS activities is 8-year-olds because they are the ones who will be agents of change in the future. Handwashing habits using soap (CTPS) are still to the attention of the world because there are still people who forget to handwash. 8-year-old children have a habit of paying less attention to handwashing behavior, especially in play. Before doing their activities, they do not know how to wash their hands using soap properly and correctly. So that this activity can be considered 100% successful, this is because these children can practice hand washing using soap properly and correctly.
Article Details
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