The importance of how to wash hands properly using soap during the covid-19 pandemic
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Covid-19 or coronavirus which is currently a big problem throughout the world, especially in Indonesia the rate of patients who are tested positive for COVID-19 is increasing day by day, various efforts have been made to reduce the number of patients who have tested positive. Even among the community, all kinds of ways have been done to protect themselves, their families and the environment so they don't get infected with COVID-19. Some of the efforts made among the public to avoid being infected with COVID-19 include avoiding crowds and maintaining distance, maintaining body and environmental hygiene, and maintaining body resistance. Washing hands with soap after activities is very important during a pandemic like now, especially for children who often don't care about cleanliness after playing or doing activities. The method I use here is a method of direct socialization and education to the children of the Bunga Bangsa Kindergarten, Puntik Tengah Village. The results obtained by the Bunga Bangsa Kindergarten children are education on how to wash hands with soap properly. In conclusion, washing hands with soap and properly can reduce bacteria and viruses that stick to the hands.
Article Details
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