Counseling On How To Store Medicine That Is Good and Correct
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Storage is an activity to store and maintain by placing received drugs in a place deemed safe from theft as well as physical disturbances that can damage the quality of the drug. Mistake in storing drugs will affect the quality and content of the active drug substance. The stability and properties of the drug will also be affected if the storage is still wrong. This will make the duration of drug treatment longer because the drug's efficacy has decreased. The problem in this research is the low level of public knowledge about how to store medicines properly and correctly in Sungai Bakung Village. With these problems, researchers are interested in conducting research in Sungai Bakung Village, Banjarmasin Timur District because of the flood disaster, research was carried out in the vicinity of the residence. The purpose of this study was to provide information to the public by distributing educational leaflets on how to store medicines properly.
This research method for the sampling technique was carried out randomly with 10 respondents. Data collection was carried out using pre-test and post-test questionnaires, as well as distributing educational leaflets on proper and correct drug storage methods.
The results of the evaluation of the participants 'knowledge and attitudes towards drug storage were carried out through visits to the homes of the participants in the mentoring activities and from the results of the average value of the respondents' answers during the pre-test (51%) and post-test (89%) that is done shows an increase.
Article Details
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