Knowledge of Traditional Plant Secrets to Boost Immune System
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The covid 19 pandemics caused many things that must be considered, such as cleanliness and healthy.In addition to carrying out the health protocol recommended by the government, we must also maintain and improve the immune system to avoid various diseases. Traditional medicine is an alternative to boost the immune system. Natural plants such as turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, coconut water, and others can support the immune system and can provide maximum benefits if made correctly. This counseling aims to make the community better understand the importance of maintaining the immune system and how to make the correct natural plants to get optimal benefits. counseling was carried out by direct discussion with the community, distribution of leaflets and beverage samples. After counseling, the community became more aware of the importance of maintaining the immune system and understanding how natural plants were made. With this education, the public should be better prepared to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 by increasing the immune system by consuming drinks made from herbal plants.
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