Education Body Nutritional Needs During the Corona Virus Pandemic in Pantai Hambawang Village
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The Corona virus pandemic has caused many changes in everyday life. Good nutrition is also very important before, during and after infection. The infection causes the victim's body to become feverish, thus requiring additional energy and nutrients. Therefore, maintaining a healthy diet is very important during this pandemic. Although there is no food or dietary supplement that can prevent Covid-19 infection, maintaining a healthy balanced nutritional diet is very important in boosting a good immune system. Nutritious food is very important for the body as an antidote to various diseases and viruses, in order to stay healthy our bodies must be fulfilled with nutrients such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Zinc, Carotenoids, and Omega 3 fatty acids The purpose of this education is to provide public understanding of the importance of body nutrition during a pandemic, the methods used are counseling, education, and posting of pamphlets. for the results obtained so that the community can practice it in their daily life
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